Spring 2014 - Java Intro

23 Jan 2014

We went over the weather number for calling in case of class cancellation. 210-485-0189 Also how to drive in bad weather. We went over the basics of what to do in case of an active shooter.

We discussed the project being Poker.

We went over the eclipse compiler and specifically covered how to compile your programs and turn them in (crmchp0ex1 crmchp0ex2). You could use on of the following to install:

I assigned homework where I want you to write a program that outputs your favorite business name, address, phone, and website.

We also discussed the blog and how to find assignments as well as followed up on the following areas:


{"display_name"=>"chris", "login"=>"chris", "email"=>"crmacd@gmail.com", "url"=>"http://www.crmacd.com"}